If you want to share the importance of Veterans Day with your children, here are some great resources for you:

* VA Kids The VA kids website has a ton of great information for kids. You'll find information on the history of Veterans Day and what a veteran is, as well as activities for kids from K-12th grade.
*The American Legion At the American Legions site, kids can send a Veterans Day Ecard and say thank you to a Veteran . There is also a brief history of the day also on page.
*Children's Songs for Veterans Day Kids love singing and learning songs and these are sung to well-known songs so they're easy to learn. This site also has other links for coloring pages, crafts, puzzles and other activities relating to veterans day.
Thank you veterans!
Thank you for posting this!! As a veteran myself and an Army wife, it really makes me feel such pride when our troops are honored.
God bless our country and her troops!
Thanks for the resources. I can see that you enjoy shopping as much as I do. I am going to become a happy follower of The Happy Mom :)
How exciting for you and your daughter!
Wonderful POST!
stopping by from SITS to say Hi!
Thank you for the resurces! My two youngest boys are in the Treasure Valley Young Marines program and were honored to march in the Veteren's Day parade this past Saturday.
Great post! Thanks:)
Just found your blog, and I love it!! Great post. I'm going to have to come back and visit. Hope you are having a great day~
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