Thank you so much to Catherine at Evolving Mommy for this sweet blog award. I really appreciate that she thought of me to pass this award to. I've been a fan of her blog for awhile now. Please be sure to stop by today, she has an awesome recipe for Lime-Grilled Chicken and Chili Home Fries. I love marinating anything and everything in lime-just add a Corona or margarita and you're all set!
So, on to my Lemonade Award-isn't it cute? When you get this award you link back to the person who gave it to you and then you can pass it on to some great blogs you'd like to recognize.
I am passing it on to these great blogs who bring some refreshment to my day:
1. Girl in the Glasses I recently found this blog and love it, Kel is hilarious and just reading the buttons on her side bar crack me up every time I visit. I hope she doesn't think she's too cool for this award. :)
2. Jiggety Jigg Jenni is another funny blogging girl and one I always look forward to reading. I think I found her through Entrecard, although now everywhere I look I am seeing her button. Go congratulate her on being listed in MomDot's top 50 bloggers list.
3. Drama Mama I love Dee because she is a great commenter and I love to peek into her blog and check out the latest drama going on in her life! :)
4. Reluctant Housewife I enjoy reading Melanie's blog because she is a funny mom who finds the humor in every day life and she has her own crochet blog, too.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
Wow! thank you so much for the award and the shout out! it's very much appreciated.
I'll be sure to pass it on.
Congrats on your award!
girlie.. I am WAY too cool for this award... but thanks anyway! (totally kidding, of course!!) thanks!
Congratulations on your award!!!
Hi! I'm so glad I found your blog. I came over from The Reluctant Housewife and so glad I did. I'll be back! And congtrats on your award. Yeah you!
Congrats on the award!
Congrats and THANK YOU for passing it along and the linky love!!!
Great list and CONGRATS! I just found you via Entrecard. I was wanting to drop you on my blog, but I can't find your button. HELP! :)
I'd also love to trade buttons with you.
Again, CONGRATS on the award. Your blog is great!
Found it! :)
Congrats on your award! Mmmm, love the lemonade...
Congrats! I'm finding new great blogs through your list here. Thanks!
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