If you have a Whitehall or Lundstrom Jewelers store in a mall near you, you might want to check it out. The company is closing 373 stores and liquidating inventory- $500 million dollars of it. It's an unfortunate situation that another company in our economy has to close it's doors, but you may be able to find some great deals there before they close. Prices are marked down up to 70% and that kind of discount on diamonds is hard to find. If you go to their website you can find out where there stores are and hopefully find a deal.
Happy Halloween!!
Hi from your fellow SITS-tah :) Just wanted to invite you to my Giveaway. I am doing todays drawing at 8pm ET so there is still time to get in!
Every Friday we give away 1 lb of Gourmet Coffee or tea from my new online coffee shop: Get The Bean.
To enter visit: www.getthebean.blogspot.com
Hi Meaghan!
Thanks for being the first person to leave a comment on The Happy Mom Blog. I missed the drawing today (trick-or-treating kept me busy) but I will stop by your site and enter for the next one.
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