Disney is offering a special promotion if you're planning on visiting Walt Disney World in 2009. I am so excited about it!
When you buy a non-discounted 4-day, 4-night package (package includes a stay at a Disney resort and a 4 day Magic Your Way base ticket), you get 3 nights free! That includes your hotel and park tickets. It is valid for stays January 4 through June 27, 2009 (April 5-18 is blacked out-that's during their busy spring break season). Plus, as a bonus, if you are traveling before March 29, you also get a $200 Disney gift card that you can use for food or souvenirs on your trip. You have to book your vacation by Dec. 20. You can call and book directly with Disney or through a travel agency specializing in Disney travel, such as Small World Vacations. We usually take a Disney vacation every other year and we were just there last Thanksgiving, but with a deal this great, we are going to take advantage of it and plan a spring Disney trip. For me, planning the trip is half the fun!
We were actually planning on going the following year (2010) but with a great deal like this we may just have to move it up a little bit : ) Thanks for this post!
Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and adding me to your blog roll - I feel so special! :) I've gotta get ready for work now, but I'll be back to check out your blog later. Have a great Monday!
Oh! I meant to ask you - did you make your blog header? It's so pretty!
Thanks for this - I might have a trip booked by weeks end!!!
Oh awesome! I LOVE Disney. Moe than my kids, even. Have you seen their new "free admission on your birthday" promotion?!?!?!?
Whoops. That should read: "More than my kids do, even."
Whoa, that's a good deal! Thanks for posting about it.
Just an FYI if anyone's interested in going during the blackout period in April-even though those dates are listed on Disney's website as being blocked, apparently people calling to make reservations are being allowed the discount over that time. So if you are planning a trip during April, it doesn't hurt to ask! This deal is saving my family about $800!
Thanks Sera-I customized my header, it's from a design kit from Shabby Shoppe. I love digital scrapbooking so I thought I could design my own blog. The header and my blog button are as far as I got! I am on a waiting list to have my blog redesigned and I'm
SO excited!
Thanks for the info - we wanted to go last year and DH got sick 2 days before so we canceled!! =(
Great blog - stopping by from SITS
Wow, thanks. I will have to crunch numbers and see if that works out better for us than the Florida resident discount.
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