Hmmm....I'm a college graduate and consider myself an intelligent person, how could this nugget of knowledge escape me? So, thank the Lord for Google, I distracted her long enough to find the answer. Thus perpetuating the myth of the all-knowing mom. I just wanted to pass this along in case any other mom out there is posed with the same question.
"brand-new" adj
1. Completely new.
Etymology: 16c, from brand (ie like bright new metal just taken out of the fire).
There you have it. Now here's my question-how did our moms survive without Google and Wikipedia?
Oh, and please don't ask me what "brand-spanking new" means, I haven't googled it yet! :)
My mom's response would've been, "Go ask your father." (lol)
I learned a long time ago to just say, "Oh honey. I don't know. You're so much smarter than me." Which is true, of course.
How in the world DID our parents do it? I live on Google.
Thanks for sharing in my SITS day with me!
my mom came from the school of thought where it was okay to tell you kid to " go ask your teacher, what do I look like? " your a good mom.
OMG I was thinking to myself, how on earth did our Mom's make it without google?! TOO FUNNY!
just visiting from SITS...love your blog!
When I tell my daughter Encyclopedias and the library were the places of research, she'll probably not believe me :) I don't know if I could go back to that time!
LOL Thanks for that tidbit ;) and thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
Annnnd thanks for following me too! ;)
I think they used to say, "I'm busy right now, sweety. Go ask your father."
Very cute! It's painful when you don't know the answer to something you never knew you'd be asked. My daughter once asked what rhymed with silver - oh, the pain!
I always say, "New to you.." if it's re-gifted or used.. {{Giggles}}
Oh I LOVE google and wikipedia...I always doing searches on stuff.
Thats so funny because I use wikipedia and google for that every day for my own stupid questions. I can't wait for my son to ask me stupid questions too! hehehe
This is my first visit to your site and I've already fav'd it.
You must be a google-kindred-spirit.
I love the name of your blog. I saw your comment on SITS today and had to come say hi.
Your daughter had a great question! I'm constantly aware of how much I've forgotten or don't know when my kids ask me questions...and trying to help them with their homework especially. :o)
Gotta love Google.
Visiting from SITS since you were the first roll caller. :) It's amazing how much you re-learn helping the kids with homework. I, for one, am a nerd and have enjoyed doing multiplication and division, and figuring out ways to teach it. (seriously a nerd, I know).
Thank Heavens for google! A lot of our student these days uses google now than your old reliable dictionary! Talk about high-tech kids!
Kids are how our brains stay functioning.
Whew! Thanks, you saved me! Now I know the full meaning of "brand new" in case my 5 year old asks! LOL
LOL- so funny! What did our moms do w/o the internet??
I can't imagine a life without Dr. Google!
How funny! What did we do before we had the internet? I can't imainge surviving without it:0
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